Friday, May 11, 2012

Later Than Sooner...

      Wow, how the time flies! I have already been here three weeks and the stories already equal the grains in a fist full of sand. Hawaii has a way of doing that. Everything is new and beautiful. So I will do my best to catch you all up and from here out post more frequently as events happen.

      As I sit here and ponder the last three weeks all I can think about is how blessed I am. By the cool breeze blowing into the coffee shop where I sit and how this coffee shop used to be a seedy bar and how I get to be a part of this story of restoration and redemption. By the prayers, encouraging words, notes, and donations that I have received that are a constant reminder of the amazing community of family and friends the Lord has so abundantly showered me with. By the warm reception given to me by the kids on Ohai St. even though there is a constant flow of people in and out of their lives. And the realization that any sort of joy that I am able to bring their hearts is doubled in mine, and that possibly I need them more in this season than they may need me. Blessed because the Lord is at work and His plan is so perfect for my life.

      Oh, this list could go on and on, but I have to work in twenty minutes so I better get to it. My leadership classes are in full swing and I never anticipated so much homework! But I've already gained so much from them in these last 3 weeks that I know it is all well worth it. Along with class time I also apprentice under one of the facets of our Organization. The apprenticeship assigned to me was with our Feeding The Hungry program and I could not be more excited. Every Thursday I go down to Kalihi, a town bordering Honolulu, and help to feed over 500 people. We partner with the Hawaiian Food Bank to bring in 2 trucks (20 pallets) of food and handout food-boxes to families in need. I am given the task of organizing the set up and distribution of the food. It makes for a very long day, but I love it, and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to hold this position and aid Surfing The Nations in continuing this ministry.

     So with the realization that my time is very limited here and my desire to keep you all updated I have hopefully come up with a method that will work. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and since I am ALWAYS taking pictures expect to see more photos on here with short descriptions of the happenings and therefore more posts! I will do my best in the next 2 days to get you all caught up!

     And THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU again for all of your prayers, encouragements and donations! You are changing lives over here, starting with mine.

Love and Aloha,


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