Saturday, July 7, 2012

Molokai Mo'bettah

Part of my Leadership School here includes a "Big Adventure" trip. It is a trip that takes place every semester but this one was unlike I think any that have taken place. We were given the opportunity to go to Joyce Kainoa's homestead on the back side of the Island of Molokai. It is an area known for its remoteness, the worlds tallest sea cliffs, and the historic Hawaiian leper colony. Joyce was given the land in the 60's and raised her kids in true Hawaiian fashion, hunting, fishing, growing and gathering food. She home schooled them and all were given an education. Because of her accomplishments, and the beauty of the location, she has been featured several times in magazines such as National Geographic and others. This is not a location that many people are given the opportunity to go to. As a matter of fact when we talked about it in town the room would go silent. Eventually we had to stop telling people where we went. An old STNer however is a grandson of Joyce's and was raised there for the first 9 years of his life. We were given the okay to go and spent 4 days hunting wild pig, spear fishing and gathering fruit and shell fish. We packed in little food as the only way to enter was by boat. A 45 minute boat ride around the island to the North side which has only a handful of inhabitants within the 37 mile coast line. We were surrounded on both sides by the worlds tallest sea cliffs, some reaching 3,500 feet in the air. We hiked pig trails and stumbled across many old Hawaiian ruins. It was an experience that even the word magical would understate. The whole time whether I was gutting a pig for the first time or swimming in our gear in head high surf or spear fishing in dark waters, all I could think about was "Man, this is a big adventure." It is nowhere near my first and it is guaranteed not to be my last. The Lord has set me on a course where I can expect these sort of challenges and begin to call them a way of life. I am so blessed by the opportunities that have been granted to me, by the faithful hand of the Lord and by your love and prayers. I can never say enough, but know that not a moment has been taken for granted, and when I am out there you are all constantly in my heart and thoughts. I wish we could do it all together. But in a way, we kind of are.

1 comment:

  1. This is incredible. I was just reading an article about Joyce-what a great opportunity. We are so excited for you as you continue this journey Jeremy. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
